Courses and Training
Whether you want to train to teach or just know more about yoga we have something for you here
Whether you want to be a Yoga Teacher, or you are interested in personal development, or you just have a general desire to know more about Yoga, we have yoga courses and training to suit your needs.
We have a Yoga Teacher Training Course as well as a Yoga Foundation Course.
This is a fascinating in depth course designed by Swami Gitananda and run in conjunction with his ashram in India.
Kalavathi has had plenty of experience in facilitating groups and encouraging and supporting her students to grow and experience yoga. She has been teaching the Yoga Foundation Course yearly since 2001.She also has taken various groups to the ashram in India and run many UK and Europe retreats.

Yoga Foundation Course
This course is aimed at those interested in delving deeper into Yoga to see the bigger picture behind this amazing art, science and way of life. It can be used as a step towards Yoga Teacher Training. If you want to teach but don’t have much experience with Yoga then this course would be a great place for you to start.
Most people who do this course do it out of interest so don’t think you have to have the desire to teach to be able to do it.
It is an enlightening immersion into yoga which will be an extremely positive and beneficial addition to your life.
This course is open to anyone.
For more information on the Foundation Course please click here
Yoga Teacher Training
This certificated course will take you through a journey of Yoga and give you the knowledge and confidence required to teach Yoga.
Yoga comes from within and is not something that can solely be learnt from a book therefore this will be a very personal journey where you will be guided to use your intuition and learn from your own experiences.
This course is designed for those who have completed the Foundation course or for those with a Yogic background and a certain amount of experience.
For more information on the Teacher Training Course please click here